Did you know that the NEQM has a library of virtual exhibits and videos?
Go to the NEQM website, https://www.neqm.org/ and click on the Resources tab.
You will see a list of resources available to you (note that some are available only to members), just click on the “NEQM Channel” bar to see a list of the available videos.
Jan 14-May 3, 2025: Fierce Planets: A SAQA and Johns Hopkins Wavelengths Global Exhibition with Mar 15, 2025, 11:00am: What’s Hidden Inside Planets, Guest Speaker Dr. Sabine Stanley
Jan 14-Mar 29, 2025: Just Wanna Copyright for Makers
Jan 14-Mar 29, 2025: Maker Unknown: Selections From the Permanent Collection
Virtual Quilt Shows:
Farmington Valley Quilters: https://www.fvquilter.org/recent-photos
Great Wisconsin Quilt Show: https://quiltshow.com/exhibit/
International Quilt Festival: https://www.quilts.com/quilt-gallery/
Mar 1-Aug 31, 2025: Art Evolved: Intertwined, a collaboration between SAQA and the National Basketry Organization, Fuller Craft Museum, 455 Oak Street, Brockton, MA Admission is free but donations are appreciated https://fullercraft.org
Mar 22-23, 2025: Quilts 250, Quilts from the antique to traditional to contemporary Concord Academy, 166 Main St, Concord, MA Gerald Roy, collector and historian, and Jennifer Swope, curator of textiles and Fashion at the MFA will speak. Tickets are required. www.quiltersconnection.org
Apr 5-6, 2025: The Rhododendron Needlers Quilt Guild’s 40th Anniversary: A Ruby Celebration, Blue Hills Regional Technical School, 800 Randolph Street, Canton, MA Admission $10 per day, children under 12 admitted free https://www.rnqg.org/joomla1_5/quilt-show
Apr 5-6, 2025: Haddam Neck Congregational Church Quilt Show Haddam Neck Congregational Church, 408 Quarry Hill Rd, Haddam Neck, CT Admission is $8. haddamneckcongregationalchurch.org
Apr 26-27, 2025: Winchester Center Congregational 16th Annual Quilt and Needle Arts Show, Winchester Center Congregational Church, 1 West Rd (rte 263), Winchester, CT Admission is $10 for adults, $7 for seniors and students, and exhibitors and children under 12 admitted free www.winchestercentercongchurch.org
Apr 26-27, 2025: Quilters by the Sea, RI Present Spring Fling: A Festival of Quilts The Pennfield School, 110 Sandy Point Ave, Portsmouth, RI Admission is $10, children under 10 admitted free https:// quiltersbytheseari.com/quilt-show/
Apr 26-27, 2025: 2025 Festival of Quilts Maple Leaf Quilters 31st Show Rutland Town Elementary School, 1612 Post Rd, Rutland, VT Admission $8, children under 12 admitted free www.mapleleafquilters.com